Monday 9 April 2012


We are still having our usual two or three walks every week plus a few social activities but in March we did something special! It was suggested we went to visit Petra last year but the logistics proved too complicated, but low and behold this year it transpired we could easily travel by budget airline from Gatwick to Amman at a very reasonable price. Bob's daughter Gail and son-in-law Ibrahim have a basic hotel on the hill behind the entrance to Petra and the three of them organised virtually everything for us. Indeed before they knew it they had 15 and had to refuse any more requests to go.

We all got ourselves to Gatwick and to Amman with no problems, where we were met by a travel guide (which avoided us having to queue up and pay for visas). We then went by mini coach on the long journey to the hotel. Where there was a warm welcome and comfortable very reasonably priced clean rooms and a cold buffet breakfast was included. (There is also a space where visitors can sleep in dormitory accommodation at budget prices.)

We slept for a few hours and then walked down to buy our two day tickets into Petra. It was a beautiful warm day and we literally took hundreds of photos between us marvelling at the sights and realising there is far more to the archeological site than the usual view or two usually associated with it. The gorge up to the treasury is a marvel in itself.

One of the first sights which greeted up on our way into the Petra Site.
Just part of the gorge called As-siq.

Some of us couldn't resist having a ride in the horse drawn cart.
That iconic building, known as the Treasury where there had to be a group pic.The whole place is huge, I can only add a few photos to give you a taste of what we experienced.

In the evening we all went out for a meal in an establishment which offered to do us a tasty buffet and desserts for about £6 each. Most places are not allowed to sell alcohol and it prohibitively expensive in the Middle East.

On day two we took our coach to an area called little Petra and walked from there back to the other end of Petra site to walk back through and up to our hotel. Again the views were magnificent. Some of us went back to eat at the same place, but several of us went our own way, but the food was still very reasonably priced.

The Jordanian people we came across were very warm and friendly and seemed to go out of their way to try and be helpful, many of them were also very keen for us to see the wares they had to sell as well!

Next day we were taken once again by a guide in the coach to the desert where some of us took the chance to ride a camel before walking over the sand past the area made famous by Lawrence of Arabia with some amazing rock formations to the Bedouin camp at Wadi Rum where we spent the night. We were treated to a fabulous feast, entertainment and pots of their very sweet black tea with sage and mint infused in it. We got up at about 5.30 am to watch the sun come up over the enormous rock formations surrounding our encampment.Sun rising over the desert.

It was a nice temperature for walking during the day, but it soon got extremely cold, not only at night but the following day was pretty chilly as well.
Some of us in our Bedouin tent. Notice they don't possess chairs.

We went back to Petra where we explored the town some more before having an excellent meal cooked by Gail and Ibrahim and then walking back to old Petra to sample the experience of the gorge and treasury lit by hundreds of candles and to sit listening to what is reputed to be the oldest sort of instrument known plus some others with traditional singing and a bit of Jordan's history.

Early the next morning most of the group went by bus towards the mountains where we climbed for about 7 hours up a huge valley up to the Dana nature reserve where we stayed two nights. (Others wimped out and arrived later with the baggage).
The steep valley we walked up to get to Dana.

It had become overcast and the wind got up and we were very glad we had brought lots of layers. Boy did we cosy up to the stove and disappeared to bed very early. The coach was delayed getting to us by the "snow" which was probably large hail stones. However the following day's walk and the incredible views and sunsets were enough to make up for the cold.

Last day again it was very cold we travelled to Kerak Castle which was very impressive with amazing views and then down to the Dead Sea. We couldn't believe that within the space of a few hours we had gone from literally freezing at 1500 meters above sea level to about 460 below sea level where we went from 5 layers of clothes to sunbathing and swimming (sorry floating) in swimwear. We visited an impressive Dead Sea hotel complex with lots of facilities for a huge buffet lunch before going to the airport for our return flight, which once again went without a hitch. A trip that will live in our memories as an amazing experience.
I have only added a few photos, for more see our gallery.

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