Friday 19 November 2010

BATH November 2010

At the beginning of November we had another of our weekends away at Bath YHA. We chose the right weekend as it was dry and included Bonfire night. For more pictures of this and other trips etc. visit our Gallery

15 of us went altogether, some together,others at different times and by various modes of transport and as usual many of decided to do different things on different days.
On the Friday night we all stayed at the hostel (which is some way up Bathgatehill) and enjoyed a huge meal provided by various members who were kind enough to supply it. Of course there is always the choice of going to a pub, sometimes a meal can be provided by the hostel, but on the Friday evening we thought it nice for everyone to be together and if we do our own meal the food is provided at the cost of the ingredients only! Some of us went on the Skyline walk with amazing view of Bath, others did a guided tour round the City. One day many people went on a walk down the canal and river Avon whilst others visited the museums and sights in the City.

This is the famous Crescent.

One of Bath's old streets, you can't avoid noticing how many cars there are about though! There was lots to see and do, including finding the places where Jane Austin based her Books and where they were filmed.

A view looking down the River Avon of Polteney Bridge.

The beauty of walking in the British autumn

Taken on the canal walk, which strangely enough finished at a fine public house in a nearby village.

A taste of the fireworks put on by Bath University for their local charities.

A view taken on the Skyline walk.

This is Bath Abbey taken at twilight. We should have been able to take the bus from here up to see the fireworks but it was so popular there was no chance so most of us had the pleasure of walking up the very steep 2 mile hill from here past the hostel to the University! Well we are a walking group I suppose, and being a frosty night it soon got us warm!

Click on the Arrow to see a very short video of some us near the start of the Skyline walk to see what you missed!

Another small video showing around the Circus