On Saturday 22nd January about 16 of the Boggies again joined the Friends of Studham Common for their Winter Work Party. In total about 58 people turned out to help the conservation group's work.
Here is a copy of an email the FOSC have asked us to circulate.
THANK YOU everyone for turning it out on such a miserable day and working so hard for the Common and its wildlife. It was a great turn out, and once we got going, the rain and the mud didn't seem so bad, sustained as we were by Don's Special Porridge and the other wonderful goodies produced by our Michelin-starred (well, they ought to be anyway!) Catering Team. I want also to re-iterate my thanks to Don Grozier and his team for all the planning and preparation they put into making the day such a success.
LOST PROPERTY: Don, lucky man, has acquired a pair of black leather ladies ankle boots, and a blue Chelsea bobble hat. If you wish to reclaim them, please call him on 01582 872937
If you (eg Steve Halton for P3 members, Sue Jenkins for Bogtrotters, John Creasey for May Day Trust) know of anyone who may not be on our mailing list, could you please pass the message on? Thank you.
Warmest thanks once again to you all and if you are up for more punishment, we look forward to seeing you at future work parties!
Best wishes
Pam Rumfitt
FOSC Chairman
01582 872608
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