Several of the Bogrotters went, joined by a few people from the Chiltern Society.
Here we are on the Common at Studham having a break with the usual dilema of whether or not to go in the pub for coffee, or something stronger. We do suggest you bring at least some water and something to eat in case we don't find somewhere appropriate to stop.
As you can see there were a good number for a weekday walk. We are now putting on several short, and also some longer midweek walks in the region of 15 miles which are obviously taken at a faster pace. However, if you contact the walk leader he should be able to tell you whether it is feasible to only do part of the walk, meet them along the way and/or catch the bus back. (some people have been known to arrange for their other halves to meet them at the pub so they get a lift back!)
THE BEST ANSWER IS IF IN DOUBT ASK, we will try to tell you if we know the walk is going to be particularly difficult with lots of stiles, huge hills etc. or not suitable for taking a dog on. It is only polite to ask before bringing your dog anyway.
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