On Bank Holiday Saturday 13 boggies jumped on a train in Luton and met one of our members friends at St. Pancras, then hopped on the tube to Paddington where we walked down to the Regents Canal. (There are still 10 members enjoying the Lake District, photos when they return)

Here we are enjoying John Betjemen's company at St. Pancras.

We were rather taken by this solid gentleman and his friend next to the canal.

We were just walking along the Canal minding our own business, honest officer!

The wildfowl reserve next to Regents Canal Basin. An amazing number of varied sizes and shapes of ducks were to be seen as we ate our lunch.

Little Venice, an colourful peaceful spot in Central London.

Queen Mary's Gardens, part of Regents Park, a beautiful spot.

We found a really good cafe in a floating canal barge next to the bridge.

Regents Canal Basin

The top of Primrose Hill, thinking of the walkers in Cumbria who probably wouldn't have realised they has walked up a hill, except for the views of London.
From the hill we could see St. Paul's, the Post Office Tower , Peter Snow Avery, and the London Eye, worth getting a little breathless for.

The sun was shining, lots to look and and plenty of people to chat to.

Regents Canal Basin where you can get boat rides along the Canal.

We were just wondering what it costs to have a house like this overlooking the canal.

A nice gentle meander which although not our usual sort of walk, could have been anywhere, it was very hard to believe it was central London
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